The term "DSLR film is dead" started appearing when companies such as Sony and Panasonic released their next generation video cameras, with equally large sensors. These cameras seem to be mid-priced, about the same as a top end DSLR camera. As far as I can see, DSLR is not dead at all. Sure, it no longer dominates the independent movie market, but for a photographer who already has a collection of lenses it makes sense to stick with it. The quality of DSLR is extremely high and versatile. For my personal project, I have chosen to continue with DSLR unperturbed... and the sound quality issue? Well, I always was going to buy a field mixer/external sound recorder anyway.
21 December 2011
DSLR film #2 - "DSLR film is dead"?
The term "DSLR film is dead" started appearing when companies such as Sony and Panasonic released their next generation video cameras, with equally large sensors. These cameras seem to be mid-priced, about the same as a top end DSLR camera. As far as I can see, DSLR is not dead at all. Sure, it no longer dominates the independent movie market, but for a photographer who already has a collection of lenses it makes sense to stick with it. The quality of DSLR is extremely high and versatile. For my personal project, I have chosen to continue with DSLR unperturbed... and the sound quality issue? Well, I always was going to buy a field mixer/external sound recorder anyway.
14 December 2011
Andrex Washlets 8 page gatefold leaflet designs
11 December 2011
Andrex Washlets PowerPoint visuals
27 November 2011
Andrex Washlets 8 page gatefold leaflet visual
I had only a day to turn this around, which was definitely pushing it - but I pulled all the stops out and spent my Sunday just cracking on with it. I used Photoshop and Illustrator. I'm pleased with the results, as was the client. For now, this is just a visual, the artwork will be created in the near future.
26 November 2011
ISU Plus - branded templates
After the recent large canvas print and roll-up designs, they asked me to re-amend their templates to fit the new theme - which was the wall of text graphic I created. This wall of text is a list of 60 - 70 words I felt described the ethics of the commendable ISU Plus.
So now they have matching templates, and banners and roll-ups.
25 November 2011
Andrex Washlets 2012 campaign logo
23 November 2011
Andrex Washlets 2012 set visuals
I had done some campaign designs for this product earlier in the year, so already had the artwork elements to work from. Working as part of a team, I worked alongside a Creative Director and a 3D visual artist to create the artwork for a presentation to show Andrex.
The branding was already firmly in place, as was the product design itself. Our job was to visualize and create printed and mounted designs for next year’s promotional campaign. I worked in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.
The set will appear in shopping centres across the UK next year.
18 November 2011
ISU Plus - 200 x 120cm Banner
The brief was explicit in saying the new design had to remain stylish and clean, yet fit in and reflect the much bolder roll-ups. The reasoning was that this much larger canvas print would hang in the foyer of the office, but occasionally be taken down and transported to the expos to hang behind the newer roll-ups.
For this we decided that the original ISU Plus blue should be used, and I then added the wall of text graphics to tie them all in together.
Finally, the client asked me to print the canvas myself and ship it to Denmark. They have been extremely happy with my prints in the past, and have had a few setbacks and flat prints when using a Danish printer. This of course was at an additional cost, but they thought it was worth it for the vibrant prints my contact is capable of. Interestingly, my contact has recently upgraded their canvas printing machinery, so their prints are now even brighter than they were before!
17 November 2011
DSLR film #1 - Asked to direct
I'm super excited about the possibilities of having free reign over my creative juices. I've been scouting locations and taking photographs. I've already created a timeline that I'd wish to stick to. I will keep you posted with the progress.
The most important information I can give you right now would be the deadline and format. The deadline is set to be October 2013, with the view of getting it submitted and shown at the Telluride Horror Festival. That is the goal.
In regard to the format, I've chosen HDSLR film. I've been so impressed with the quality of movies shot in this format, with this kind of kit that really I have to choose this path. DSLR film is extremely hot right now; the new format gives an incredible amount of freedom to someone with a photographic background. The possibilities seem larger than that of standard film. In short, this is due to the low light capabilities of a DSLR sensor, and the ability to use DSLR lenses with their much smaller f-stops. I know that I will be spending a fair amount of new kit, which is also exciting... I mean... who doesn't fantasize about being a Director?
16 November 2011
ISU Plus - 200 x 85cm Roll-ups
They often appear exhibitions and promotional expos around Denmark. Due to their rebranding they needed a new set of promotional roll-up banners to shout the arrival of their company. The previous set of banners I design a couple of years ago were subtle and sleek. This time they asked for something brighter and more striking, to keep things fresh and exciting.
They needed four of these 200 x 85cm roll-up banners, each depicting one strategic word. I decided using a theme of "hands" to hold the symbolic imagery together. I also went heavy on text as a visual tool. I felt that the four words they had chosen were not representative enough of what a commendable and trustworthy company ISU Plus is. I put together a list of seventy words which describe the company’s ethics; they liked the idea a lot.
I'm looking forward to seeing these four large prints hanging in place. Loosely translated, the four words mean:
indsigt = insight
sammenhæng = cohesion
udvikling = development
med værdi for brugeren = value for the person
4 November 2011
Advanced learning
My reasoning being that software advances each year, and it's very easy to fall into the trap of sticking with what you know. It's so easy to get left behind in this industry. While I'm a long way from being left behind, I aim to make sure that it never happens. The way for me to guarantee this is for me to set aside a slot of time each week to do some tutorials. This will either allow me to brush up or uncover learned but forgotten skills, or best case scenario - learn something new.
I've had my most successful year to date, and I want to continue building what I have in 2012. This is one of many things I've put in place for Rewkachu.
1 November 2011
Kinder Suprise presentation
I worked in a small team to create the concept and designs. My role was to create the designs. I used Photoshop and Illustrator, please see a couple of the visuals below.
I'll find out in the coming weeks if our presentation was successful.
31 October 2011
Ferrero Rocher presentation
The best part of this job was the free Ferrero Rocher! This would have made anyone happy, especially my girlfriend - who unfortunately; despite being a fan - didn't get any due to the chocolates never making it out of the studio alive!
We were pressed for time, so the imagery was created in a day. I've attached two backgrounds; they are without any text - which was included in the PowerPoint slideshow.
30 October 2011
Pregnancy photographs: Kelly

27 October 2011
Director of an indepent film
After an informal meeting down the local pub, I of course jumped at the chance. I can't begin to explain how excited I am about the opportunity. The genre is horror, and right now this is as much as I know. Although my friend has many written stories, he wants to create a new one from scratch. We have decided to meet up each week for the next couple of months to come up with something we're both happy with. I will keep you posted.
26 October 2011
Epsom Derby multi-media video
For the last two videos I was handed some poor photographs taken by one of the account handlers which I needed to edit into better looking images. I have mentioned to the agency that booking me to take the photographs in future will benefit their cause. I'm glad to announce that they agreed!
The finished video is up on their website, but unfortunately I am prohibited from sharing a link here for copyright reasons.
25 October 2011
Supermalt multi-media video
It was created from pre-existing amateur photographs (not taken by Rewkachu), and I had to edit them to appear professional. The end result worked quite well. Again, I am unable to post a link here due to copyright reasons.
23 October 2011
OK Magazine & the Royal Wedding
Unfortunately the photos that I had to work with were taken on a compact camera by an unprofessional. These photos had nothing to do with Rewkachu of course. My challenge was to make the best out of the photos I could, by creative cropping, colour correction and using clever editing. If you were to compare the original photos with the multi-media video I created - you would be surprised at the outcome.
I'm pleased with the results, as were the client. Unfortunately I can't post a clip here due to copyright reasons.
21 October 2011
Candour Business Cards
14 October 2011
Telluride Photography Festival 2011

September usually means I take a month off, who am I to break such a fun tradition? This year I flew to
I’ve just got home from the second annual Telluride Photography Festival. Both years I have volunteered and both years I’ve found it thoroughly rewarding. This year however, I got more involved. The first time around I spent most of my time staring in wonder at the autumn colours that the
The festival is a great place for any photographer at any level to build contacts and learn new techniques. I made full use of that this year. There were many symposiums and seminars, of which I managed to attend most of – learning about the correct application and creation of HDR imagery, photographic techniques for styles such as landscape and adventure, how to fund a conservation project, how to maintain a successful photography business and how to make stock photography a viable income etc. It really was a wealth of knowledge, and it was handed down by the very best of each field. The line-up included successful conservation photographers such as Ian Shive, Garth Lenz, David Fitzsimmons and many more – some of which were fellows from The International League of Conservation Photographers. There were high end landscape photographers such as Adam Barker. Numerous photo editors from magazines as established and respected as National Geographic and many more industry experts getting involved in the festival.
The festival is quite small, it’s only the second year. As a self employed photographer/designer this is fine by me, the small size of the festival allowed everyone to mingle freely and build their contact lists. I couldn’t be any happier with the contacts I have made this year.
I also attended a three day workshop with Adam Barker. This proved to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I learned an incredible amount from this self taught landscape wizard. He has a way of delivering his knowledge in a humble and friendly way. I believe that everyone on this workshop evolved into a greater photographer. I definitely feel that I have gone up another level. The 4:30am starts were all worth it, there aren’t many things in life that are more satisfying than being in a vista as beautiful as the San Juan mountains as the sun rises.
Luckily enough, on one of the days of the festival there was a mini DSLR film festival. I believe I must have sat and watched about 30 short films that day. The majority of them were very interesting, and all of them were shot creatively. There were three movies which made a lasting impression however:
Wild Life: A New Generation of Wild / Filmmaker: Ian Shive
WildWater / Filmmaker: Anson Fogel,
Whose Wilderness Is It? / Filmmaker: Gabby Garcia-Pardo, Taylor Estape
I thoroughly enjoyed meeting the directors/photographers of these films, I will remain in contact with them all and track their progress. There will be many exciting films in the future from each of these creatives. Ian and Gabby especially, are great human specimens, and I find them utterly inspiring. Thanks to these guys, in the near future I am going to start shooting DSLR films myself. This will translate into the films I currently shoot for my clients, and also as a personal interest.
Go to Telluride Photography Festival 2012, you won’t regret it.
18 September 2011
New lens investment
I finally decided on the Nikon 14-24mm f2.8, the top of the range wide angle lens. I picked it up a couple of days ago and I've been playing with it. It is beautiful! Worth every penny.

12 September 2011
First dip into Keynote
With the job done and clients happy, I can now safely add Keynote to the list of software I'm comfortable with.
11 September 2011
V Energy concepts 2012
Fingers crossed!
9 September 2011
Andrex Classic White - Let's Grow

24 August 2011
Startsæt Pitch
I decided the best route to take would be to focus on what is popular on the web with the intended age group. Social networks and gaming. After researching, I loosely based my concepts on various existing sites feeling this would be the most attractive solution for the demographic.
I also pointed out that this age group is currently fixated on phone apps and this should be an avenue we need to address. I drew on my previous experience with phone app design to put the visual in effect.
Unfortunately, despite my work being completed on time, we failed to meet the pitch deadline. There was an unavoidable technical issue with one of the other departments back in Denmark. It's a shame, but these things happen.

8 August 2011
V Energy e-mailer
This job was a straight forward conversion of existing artwork and concepts I initially created, into an emailable promotional material with the dates and venues of the up-coming events.

4 August 2011
Andrex Washlets water feature
The artwork was created using a mixture of the Washlets package design, and a previous activity stand I worked on.

V Energy artwork
If you haven't read the previous two posts, I will explain it breifly. V Energy drink is a soft beverage made from Guarana berries. The promotion has been created to make use of the building olympic fever amongst the population by building a touring beach volley ball activity.
I was asked to create all of the artwork and visuals. The artwork included: A tarpaulin sheet, fridge artwork, banners, leaflet, volleyball, uniform, ten-card etc.

21 July 2011
Kleenex Balsam Winter concepts
I was asked to create graphics for the second stage concept, which you can see below. The idea was to regress back to the childhood era of the brands target audience.
With the concepts done, I just have to wait now to find out if we got the campaign.

10 July 2011 activity
The activity was a great idea, which I can't take credit for I must admit. Very will be putting a team of specialists together to tour the country and help out the public with advice on shopping and style. They are going to be called the "V Team". Due to their name, we are decorating their vehicle with "A Team" style graphics, see below. I think it's really clever.

I've also had to create the main artwork which is a six page fold out leaflet. The best part of this job was retouching the photograph of Fearne Cotton, it didn't need much to be fair!

9 July 2011
Priors Field School - Video documentation
Essentially, I am asked to be the cameraman at an end of year presentation put on for the parents of the pupils. Each year the production of the presentation gets bigger and more impressive. I have attached a couple of snaps of the production table, and camera which I was using.
In previous years, I have sang the praises of Priors Field School very highly. I will spare you this year, in case you have read my previous posts.

6 July 2011
Visit Britain pitch
Rule Britannia!

5 July 2011
V Energy concepts 2
The creative director on this particular job came up with the clever idea of creating a beach volley ball scene (while olympic fever is starting to take hold). There would also be a branded bar and branded rig. We looked into the costing of dying the sand green, but it was too high. Afterall, there would be alot of sand and it would need to be packed away each time - in theory due to the activity touring festivals and outdoor events.
Fingers crossed V Energy will like the idea and give us the go ahead.

4 July 2011
Andrex Limited Collection video
My role was director, producer, cameraman, graphics creator and sound engineer. It sounds a lot of work. Believe me, it was. But film is one of the most fun (yet stressful) mediums to work in. I absolutely love it. I must say, I also had alot of fun remixing the soundtrack - this is a hobbie of mine and I've never thought I'd have to do it in a job one day.
I assembled a small team of colleagues to create the video, and the final product was a polished broadcast quality 3 minute film.
All in all, this was very rewarding. I will start to seek out more work like this.

2 July 2011
ISU Plus branding
I was asked to ammend all of their existing branded materials with the new logo. This was easy enough because I created the original materials. I also redrew their new logo and output it as high resolution artwork for them.

17 June 2011
V Energy concepts
The pitch itself was a a slidesow, plus A3 prints. In this very early stage we are just trying to illustrate to them that we are interested in marketing their brand, and we are the best people to do so.

7 June 2011
20:20 Direct Mailer
This mailer was for one of the agencies I do work for, so I guess I shouldn't name them or show a visual.