9 December 2007

Shooting the movie

Over the last couple of months we've been shooting the movie. Now I have time to breath I thought I'd post an update here.

We've done many hundreds of miles to Wales and back for the shooting of a couple of the main locations. This has been done roughly once a month for a long weekend. I can't stress enough how bloody tiring making a film is. None of us would have guessed. I think it's because it involves a lot of walking with heavy equipment and of course there's the concentrating for 18 hours straight, trying to make sure you get the footage you came for.

There have been production problems, mainly the British weather. I guess that can't be helped. But the project is turning out to be incredibly fun and educational. We've all learned so much. We've shot around 60% of the scenes so far, so we've done a lot but there's still several months to do.

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