19 April 2012

FSS Website complete

The website took the best part of a month.  I worked with a small team of professionals outside of Rewkachu.  My role was to create all the graphic elements and help design the overall look. Click on the link below.

Field Sales Solutions

If you have a spare moment and are at all interested in who FSS are, I'd suggest going to their "about us" section and clicking on the "view full movie" link.  The video is about 9 minutes long.  I was very impressed at their operation.  You will have to believe me when I say that it's not because they paid me to work on their website - I truly WAS impressed!

18 April 2012

New Blog #3 - Rew-torials

The third and final new blog created for the Rewkachu collective is Rew-torials.

Rew-torials is a blog is a place for creative tips for intermediate designers and adventurous beginners.  Many times during my career I've had to google how to do a certain thing in the software that I use.  There are multitudes of sites offering such tips, which is great. However, I always found that their sites had confusing layouts, crazy text sizes everywhere, a billion pop-ups and about sixteen too many adverts.

So here are some self imposed rules I will follow:

  1. I strive to NEVER have any pop-ups (if any do creep on to my page unbeknown to me, due to adding a widget or two…. please let me know and I’ll swiftly kill it!)
  2. I strive for a clean design, with logical text sizes.  After all, I specialize in promotional design and understand the importance of readable/non-confusing text.
  3. I strive to not have any ads.  Ok, well, maybe a couple (we all need extra revenue).  But I will not allow them to detract from the content you have come to see.
  4. I strive to create clear and concise tutorials that will rival any out there.
I haven't set myself any goals as to how many, or how regularly I will post on this blog. I've left it open to suggestion, or as and when I think of a problem that I once googled - I'll add it.

16 April 2012

New Blog #2 - Rewkachu Film

Rewkachu Film is part of the new Rewkachu concept I've been working on this month.  Film is a medium that we find ourselves becoming more involved in.  I felt it needed it's own space and a blog is an ideal way to do so.

Rewkachu is making a feature length independent movie at the moment and I didn't want to clutter the Rewkachu blog with all the thoughts and progress which relates to it.  I did however think it was important to showcase our love for the medium is a separate blog.

The Rewkachu Film blog has four authors; myself of course, Darren Laken (writer / prop designer), Steve Featherstone (3D animation / cameraman) and Andy Wilmot (Sound Department / cameraman).  Each of us will be adding our thoughts on technology, events, work, ideas, and the development of the first Rewkachu Film - Happy Place.

To get the blog up and running, I have taken all of the film related posts from this blog and added them to the new one.  This means that 80% of the posts on there dated before April 16th 2012 can be found here.  It's not important, but I just wanted to be clear.

This Rewkachu Film angle I am very excited about.

10 April 2012

New Blog #1 - A Photographic Narrative

A Photographic Narrative is my first of the three new blogs I'm creating this month.  The site is hosted at "rewmitchell.com" so as you might imagine it's a personal blog rather than specifically a Rewkachu blog.  Although of course it is related.

As the blog itself states, it's "the artistic side projects of a little person". I created the blog because I felt that I am not spending enough time photographing for the love and art of photographing. So I wanted to get back into slinging my camera around my neck and heading off in to the world to see what interesting sites I could capture.  This, I think, is the ideal kick up the butt.

Each month I will set myself a personal project on any given subject that I happen to think will make interesting photographs. I'll then of course polish them and upload them (with a story) to my new photoblog.

I have back dated the blog to November 2011.  So there is five months / five projects worth of content.  I didn't want to start with an empty blog.

All for the love of photography :)

1 April 2012

3 New Rewkachu Blogs

This month, in fact the next two months I am working on a new brand image for Rewkachu.  This will include a new logo, new website, an updated Rewkachu Green website, a Vimeo page and three new blogs.  Each of the blogs will be specializing in different areas.  I'm very excited about the new branding and the increase in web presence.  Of course, I'll post as and when each item is complete and up and running.