25 June 2008

Bump Bump

Over the last month I've been involved in the making of an independant horror movie short called Bump Bump. I wasn't involved in a creative capacity, however I was the lead role in the movie. It was lots of fun and very exciting indeed. I'm no way a professional actor nor do I claim to be, I just did the best I can. I play a homeless 30 something with learning difficulties.

The movie was for the Channel 4 competition for Horror Fest later this year. Aparently out of several hundred entries, we came 11th we're told. The reason we didn't make the top 10 was due to "the movie being too long". It was 16 minutes long, and the entries were only allowed to be 15 minutes maximum.

Anyway, the director asked me to design the dvd cover, to which I lovingly oblidged. I will post here the website address as soon as it's available online for download.

20 June 2008

8 Page Sales Brochure for ISU

Another interesting job for the Danish company ISU. The brief was for me to design a sales brochure that would capture the interest of their clients, and make them memorable. We decided that the brochure needed to be imagery heavy, and not text led. All the text needed should be there ofcourse, but the imagery needed to be bold.

The brochure was to promote their work with projects for welfare of the elderly. They do a lot of work to improve the quality of life for the people in this sector of society. After a long trail of though I decided on the idea of trees, namely Oak trees to symbolize wisdom, age and health. ISU loved the idea and we ran with it.

The final print was an 8 page A4, I was also asked to convert it to a PDF document small enough for emailing those clients that couldn't make their talks/meetings.

12 June 2008

Tårnby Plejehjem photographs

One of the residential homes for the elderly that ISU work with is Tårnby Plejehjem. Yes that IS in Danish, and no, I'm not completely sure that I have it spelled right. I was asked to fly back out to Denmark to repeat the same scenario as before, but this time insead of my subject being female asylum seekers, it was to be welfare and quality of life for the elderly.

This project for me was very challenging, we all know that the elderly are very photogenic but it wasn't that simple this time. When photographing the elderly I like to sit down with them and talk to them, listen to their stories (of which they have an incredibly amount). Not only does this approach engage them with you, and gain their trust, it culminates in succesful images. My problem this time was that none of these elderly folk understood a word of English, so I couldn't flirt with old ladies and gain their smiles very easily. There was only one gentleman that could speak english, and he was a war veteran who fought for the Danish Resistance. Fascinating.