23 October 2011

OK Magazine & the Royal Wedding

This job was to create a multi-media video for an advertising agencys' website. I had to use existing photographs of a guerrilla campaign for OK Magazine, which promoted their Royal Wedding edition. Their strategy was very effective, they erected large banners along the route taken by the Royal Carriage, and they gave out thousands of Ok Magazine flags with the Union Jack on it. They achieved an incredible amount of air time, at very little cost.

Unfortunately the photos that I had to work with were taken on a compact camera by an unprofessional. These photos had nothing to do with Rewkachu of course. My challenge was to make the best out of the photos I could, by creative cropping, colour correction and using clever editing. If you were to compare the original photos with the multi-media video I created - you would be surprised at the outcome.

I'm pleased with the results, as were the client. Unfortunately I can't post a clip here due to copyright reasons.

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